Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Liberia Military

Liberia Military - Her black American immigrant embroidery and quilting skills are now incorporated into Liberian art, while the music of the American South is fused with ancient African rhythms, melodies and dances. Christian music is popular, with hymns sung a cappella in the traditional African style.

In 2005, elections were held in Liberia, and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, who had previously been arrested by Samuel Doe and lost to Taylor in the 1997 election, was elected President of Liberia. She is the first female head of state in Africa.

Liberia Military

Does Liberia Have An Army Or A Brigade? – News Public TrustSource:

When the civil war broke out in 1989, the United States rejected the special relationship and the obligation to intervene. Liberia's low status in the post-Cold War world did not justify military intervention in the emerging civil war.

Liberia - Us Military Intervention

Even as the United States remains active in diplomacy, spending hundreds of millions of dollars on humanitarian aid and assistance in peacekeeping in West Africa, this approach has persisted. The crisis required the United States to maintain an increased naval and naval presence at sea (in 1990 and 1996) and several non-combatant deployment operations (NEOs).

Another NEO will be needed if the United States does not end the conflict or end its diplomatic mission. Although they are black, Americo-Liberians make cultural distinctions. From the day they arrived, they started building America, not African culture.

They spoke English, dressed like Americans, built Southern plantation-style homes, ate American food, practiced Christianity, and lived in monogamous relationships. They modeled the Liberian government after the United States. Education is compulsory for Liberian children between the ages of 7 and 16 and is provided free of charge in primary and secondary schools.

Major institutions of higher education in the country include the University of Liberia, Cuttington University, and the William W. Taubman College of Technology. "The government of Liberia is deeply concerned about an armed attack by men believed to be Liberians on a military barracks in neighboring Cote d'Ivoire," Information Minister Lagerhood Rennie said Friday.

Early History

Liberian. An infantry battalion of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) left the country on 20 June 2013 to join the African International Support Mission (AFISMA) in Mali. They will be attached to the Nigerian battalion and First Lieutenant Nathaniel Waka will be the unit commander.

Army Soldiers Quarantined In Italy After Return From Liberia.Source:

This is Liberia's first participation in a peacekeeping operation in 52 years. In 1961, Liberia provided troops to the United Nations in the Congo, a United Nations peacekeeping force established pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 143 on 14 July 1960 to respond to the Congo.

Liberian culture derives from the southern heritage of Americo-Liberian immigrants and the country's 16 indigenous and immigrant groups. Although indigenous languages ​​are widely spoken, English is the official language of Liberia. About 85.5% of Liberia's population is Christian, while Muslims make up 12.2%.

On February 11, 2014, the Liberian Army was elected for the first time since the end of more than 10 years of civil war. Liberian President Ellen Johnson has confirmed that Sir Lt. Col. Daniel De Giancan is the new Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia.

Armed Forces Of Liberia [Afl] / Liberian Army

This is quite significant for Liberia because so far the Army General Staff is not Liberian, it is actually Nigerian. Although several distinct ethnic groups have lived in present-day Liberia for at least 1,000 years, no great kingdoms such as the Dahomey, Asante, or Benin kingdoms emerged on the West African coast.

USAFRICOM supported the development of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) in the Security Sector Reform (SSR) program led by the US State Department. The US Department of Defense supported the USSR with activities focused on defense reform in Liberia.

In January 2010, the Department of Defense, USAFRICOM, established Operation African Liberation (OOL) through Naval Africa. The OOL consists of 45-52 US military personnel who work with the AFL to improve the organization, operations and manpower of the AFL.

The United States and Liberia have a longstanding special relationship. Although some Liberians have praised the relationship, successive US governments have denied that such a relationship exists. Liberia was an ally of the United States during the Cold War and supported the covert operation against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in the 1980s.

Military Official Worries Terrorism Could Spill Into LiberiaSource:

Civil Wars

USAID will strengthen food security and access to essential health and services, while focusing on strengthening the capacity of civil society to build peace and ultimately restore good governance. USAID has signed two agreements that will consolidate and better integrate USAID programs and work to address long-term development challenges.

The integrated program works with international NGOs to provide quality primary health care to grassroots communities and local NGOs to increase food security through production, processing and marketing of food crops. and provides resources for adult literacy, civic education and public information programs.

USAID's support will build the capacity of civil society to play a greater role in Liberia's future. USID is also helping to strengthen opposition parties in preparation for the October 2003 elections. Americo-Liberians make up less than 2% of Liberia's population, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries they made up nearly 100% of eligible voters.

For more than 100 years from its founding in the 1860s until the 1980s, the Americo-Liberian Real Whig Party dominated politics in Liberia, a country where ethnic minorities were a one-party state. The U.S. assumed responsibility for training the new 2,000-member Liberian army, a task contracted in 2005 to DynCorp and Pacific Architects and Engineers [PA&E], two private companies working in coordination with U.S. military personnel.

Ethnic Groups

According to the State Department, the cost of the training program is about $95 million, which is a combination of international disaster and famine relief, regional peacekeeping and foreign military assistance. DynCorp was responsible for individual training and PA&E was responsible for unit training.

Liberian candidates had to pass a psychological test, a literacy test and an aptitude test. They underwent a background check and were tested for HIV. On August 29, 2008, Liberia's new democratic government took a historic step toward its security by launching a new infantry battalion trained with the assistance of the United States and the international community.

“This historic day marks a new beginning for our armed forces. It can once again fulfill its primary mission of protecting the sovereign territory of Liberia from external aggression, insurgency and terrorism.” - said Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia, who chaired the event.

Liberian Mission In Abuja Regrets Death Of Liberian Military Official At Ecowas Commission ...Source:

General William E. Ward, commander of the US Africa Command, was also present. The 1st Battalion of the 23rd Infantry Brigade provides security and promotes peace within Liberia. The restructuring of the armed forces will return control of the security forces to the Liberian government.

Security experts have long warned that rebel attacks in the Sahel, which began in northern Mali in 2012, could spread to countries along the Gulf of Guinea, before advancing to Niger and Burkina Faso. In 2002, Liberian women, a group of women activists led by Leima Gboi, founded the interfaith NGO Mass Action for Peace, uniting Muslim and Christian women to work for peace.

Today, women's effective advocacy efforts are credited with securing the 2003 peace accord. April 12, 1980, Master S. Samuel K. Doe and less than 20 soldiers overthrew Americo-Liberian President William Tolbert. The Liberian people celebrated the political transition as liberation from US-Liberian rule.

However, Don's autocratic government proved not to be good for the people of Liberia. After a failed coup against him in 1985, Du responded with brutal brutality against suspected conspirators and their followers. The Armed Forces of Liberia [AFL] is a growing and developing organization that was established in 2006.

- Describes the change in direction taken by the newly formed army as it restructures its forces with a focus on human rights and professionalism. The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2066 in September 2012, calling on the UN to halve the number of UN troops in Liberia to less than 4,000 by 2015 and to fill the gap for the Liberian security forces.

The AFL's high level of preparation was also important for internal reasons. Liberia's general elections were scheduled for October 2011. The president, all seats in the House of Representatives and half of the seats in the Senate are up for election.

This is a critical time in Liberia's history. In 2005, they held their first elections after years of civil war. Coaches want the AFL to be ready to set up and operate sooner rather than later and in their case autonomy is a sign they are taking their mandate to a higher level.

Liberia: Women Storm Military Barracks - Liberia News The New Dawn Liberia,  Premier Resource For Latest NewsSource:

Liberia's history is generally traced back to the arrival of Portuguese traders and the beginning of the transatlantic trade in the mid-1400s. Coastal groups did little trade with Europeans, but because of the abundance of Malaguta pepper, the area became known as the Grain Coast.

Under the constitution adopted in January 1986, the president, who is freely elected for six years, is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the army. Members of the bicameral National Assembly are elected for six years in the House of Representatives and nine years in the Senate.

Similar to the hierarchical power structure of federalism in the United States, Liberia is divided into 15 counties, each headed by a president-appointed supervisor. However, the United States has long used Liberia as an important base of operations in Africa, and during the Cold War, the United States provided millions of dollars in aid to support Doe's increasingly popular regime.

Liberia's judicial system is overseen by the Supreme Court, and the lower court system consists of appellate courts, criminal courts, and local courts. Aboriginal people are allowed to govern themselves according to their traditional laws as much as possible.

The new Armed Forces of Liberia Military Police, Logistics and Supply, Unit Supply Specialist, Combat Medicine, Manpower Specialist, Public Affairs Specialist, Combat Engineer Specialist, Driver Training, Church Training and Para-Legal. Finance Specialist, Core Guide Course, Military Intelligence, Transport Specialist, Light and Heavy Mechanics, Radio-Telecommunication, Petroleum Supply etc.

Despite some criticism of his regime, Liberia has maintained stability and made significant economic progress. In 2011, President Sirleaf was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with Leima Gboi and Yemen's Tawakkol Karman for public action for peace.

Graham Greene visited Liberia in 1935 and described it in A Journey Without a Map. He wrote that he was welcomed in some areas "because I am a white (man), because they (the locals) always wanted the white country to take over the country."

Liberia Armed Forces Day 2021 : Senior Officers Armed Forces Liberia Afl Pose Editorial Stock ...Source:

When the American writer John Gunter visited Liberia in the early 1950s, he found the conditions of the local population disturbing. He called it "a kind of bad advertisement for globalization". The Republic of Liberia is a small country in West Africa with a young and ambitious armed force of 2,000 soldiers.

2003 সালে 14-বছরের গৃহযুদ্ধ শেষ হওয়ার পর, লাইবেরিয়ান সেনাবাহিনীকে ভেঙে দেওয়া হয়েছিল এবং নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হয়েছিল এবং 100,000 যোদ্ধাকে (প্রাক্তন এএফএল এবং বিদ্রোহী বাহিনী সহ) নিরস্ত্র করা হয়েছিল। 2003 সালে দ্বিতীয় লাইবেরিয়ান গৃহযুদ্ধের সমাপ্তির পর প্রায় 2,000 জন লোকের লাইবেরিয়ান আর্মি গোড়া থেকে গঠিত হয়েছিল।

একটি জাতিসংঘ শান্তিরক্ষা মিশন যেটি লাইবেরিয়ার সামরিক বাহিনী গঠনে সহায়তা করেছিল, 2018 সালে আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে প্রত্যাহার করা হয়েছিল, সম্ভাব্যভাবে দেশটিকে দুর্বল করে রেখেছিল৷ লাইবেরিয়ার রাজনীতি ও সরকারে নারীরা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে, যেমনটি 2005 সালের নির্বাচনে এলেন জনসন সিরলিফের প্রেসিডেন্ট হিসেবে হাইলাইট করা হয়েছিল।

2000 সাল থেকে, নারীরা জাতীয় পরিষদে 14% এর বেশি আসন দখল করেছে। রাষ্ট্রপতির মন্ত্রিসভায় এবং সুপ্রিম কোর্টের বিচারক হিসেবেও বেশ কিছু নারী কাজ করেছেন। একজন প্রাক্তন সেক্রেটারি অফ স্টেট, অ্যাম্বাসেডর ওয়ালেস সুপারিশ করেছিলেন যে কনস্ট্রাকশন কোম্পানিগুলিকে এগিয়ে যাওয়ার এবং রূপান্তর এজেন্ডার সমর্থনে জনসাধারণের কাজে নিযুক্ত করা।

দেশের খাদ্য নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য কৃষি ব্যাটালিয়নগুলির পুনরুজ্জীবন, অন্যান্য প্রস্তাবগুলির মধ্যে, 16 থেকে 45 বছর বয়সী সদর্থ নাগরিকদের বাধ্যতামূলক সামরিক প্রশিক্ষণের জন্য আইন প্রবর্তন করবে। আপনি যদি আপনার ওয়েবসাইট বা ব্লগে আপনার ডায়াগ্রাম ইমেজ ব্যবহার করেন, আমরা আপনাকে এই পৃষ্ঠায় আবার লিঙ্ক করার মাধ্যমে অ্যাট্রিবিউশন প্রদান করতে বলব৷

নীচে কিছু উদাহরণ রয়েছে যা আপনি আপনার ওয়েবসাইটে কপি এবং পেস্ট করতে পারেন: লাইবেরিয়ার সংঘাত প্রতিবেশী সিয়েরা লিওন, গিনি এবং আইভরি কোট ডিভোয়ারের সহিংসতার সাথে জড়িত। বেশিরভাগ দোষ চার্লস টেলরের নেতৃত্বাধীন সরকারের সাথে, যারা এক দশকের গৃহযুদ্ধের পর 1997 সালের রাষ্ট্রপতি নির্বাচনে জয়ী হওয়ার পর থেকে ক্ষমতায় রয়েছে।

রাষ্ট্রপতি টেলর লাইবেরিয়ার রাজনীতিতে একটি প্রধান শক্তি, এবং তার নীতিগুলি অভ্যন্তরীণ এবং আঞ্চলিক স্থিতিশীলতা এবং একটি গণতান্ত্রিক লাইবেরিয়ার বিকাশের জন্য একটি বড় বাধা হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। টেলরের অধীনে, GOL লাইবেরিয়ার জনগণের জীবনযাত্রার উন্নতির জন্য তেমন কিছু করেনি।

AFL তে মাত্র কয়েকজন লাইবেরিয়ান মহিলা কাজ করেন। বেশিরভাগ মহিলারা ব্যবস্থাপনায় কাজ করেন, অন্যরা যান্ত্রিক বা সঙ্গীতশিল্পী। 2009 সাল পর্যন্ত, মাত্র দুইজন লাইবেরিয়ান মহিলা এনসিও হিসাবে কাজ করেছেন। লাইবেরিয়ায় পুরুষ সৈন্যরা ধীরে ধীরে নেতৃত্বের ভূমিকায় নারীদের সাথে খাপ খাইয়ে নিয়েছে।

সামরিক বাহিনীতে পুরুষরা দায়িত্বরত মহিলাদের সাথে অভ্যস্ত নয়। বহু-ঘোষিত "আফ্রিকার জন্য স্ক্র্যাম্বল"-এর পরে, লাইবেরিয়া স্বাধীনতা ধরে রাখার জন্য আফ্রিকার দুটি দেশের মধ্যে একটি ছিল এবং নতুন প্রজাতন্ত্রে স্থানীয় আফ্রিকান সম্প্রদায়ের সামান্য অর্থনৈতিক বা রাজনৈতিক ক্ষমতা ছিল।

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